
''So many women can say they mothers but cant say that they wives"

Monday, February 14, 2011

All i Got is a Promise

All I got is fam and friends in which im do or die fo.
But I aint got that Lamb or benz wit the suacide doos

I aint got that big house,picket fence and a garage with 3 cars.
All I got is a promise that yo heart will neva see scars.

Neva get bruised and neva feel used
Every day I live and breathe its you i forever will choose

Winning is everything and with you on my team I neva will lose/
Put heaven in our Gps and together will cruise

Cant fly you out on the weekends to jamaica and greece/
But a promise of soothing thoughts and theraputic mornings of you awakin in peace

I promisre Neva a moment of heartbreak waiting for the aching to cease/
and if the water was to run dry Id be the one makin a lake in the streets

Yea the storms will come but a shelter is what im made to be
/Reliefs mentally,emotionally,physically,and spiritually for you im that from A to Z

Blessing my eyes with your beauty wish you cud feel what they can see/
The way I bless your heart is by learning how to appreciate the beat

Its got me dancing to its rhythem like I never wanna take a seat/
Id make sure I SAVED the last dance before we eva had to say DELETE

Never having to go looking for a missing peice I promise that we will stay complete/
Im yo future which means that im your strength before you say "Im weak"

Im your present rest, Now yo heart everyday can sleep/
In yo past I was a dream that ull never again have to pray to see

You know what i cant wait to be? the one that will show you what a team about/
You represent my winning trophy,so loosing thoughts will neva linger out/

I just wanna make sure all my actions define the happiness you dream about/
and that following yo heart is easy and you'll neva have to take the scenic route

Never need a map to find it,cuz you can see my love blinded/and If I miss a play I'll stop the tape just to rewind it
Your smile is my daily to do list But i promise that ill neva need to be reminded

Diamonds are forever and for forever I do believe your mine/
I wanna know you in such way that u believe I can read your mind

Your breathtaking but I can breathe in fine cuz im so at ease when you enter/
Warming my heart and when its cold your my summer breeze in the winter/

Wateva the fall brings,I promise my presense is there through all things/
Being the smile I call queen and what You loving to call King

That tall ring princess cut diamond looking all clean/
That you saw on a movie is far from my pockets by all means

You dying to shine nightely wine and dine rightly in the city
I cant afford that no forbes stacks,and Im far from a mtv pdiddy account

But the world for you I promise I do have the drive to get it
/My only prayer is one day i make a way to surprise you wit it

All I got is a promise for now to love you for life and im daily sending it to you
And thats foreva but even foreva is not long enuff if Im spending it with you.

DaPoint is all i got is a promise.


  1. Love, love, love it!! Great job! (Gloria)

  2. Love it...this is brilliantly written in sincerity....SNAPPPPSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful Ez!!! Simply Beautiful...I love this! -jess.
