
''So many women can say they mothers but cant say that they wives"

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lost Beauty...who can find it?

I got 20/20 yet and stil i still see you in a dim way/Cuz you wasting ya natural beu. aint got a clue immitatin Kim K

Halle B,thas tragedy,beyonce and Ms Keri hill/no originality so he dunno he this fiance he should marry still

A mistake thats very real,Murder is on the mind until this hollywood statistic is burried,killed/Her flavor will remain ripe beauty seed unsweet a unblossomed cherry field

Tv is filling her with air so her reality is a job deflated/He no longer can see her for who she is all he sees is a waste of what God created

caked up in make up intrigued by all the magazine covers/its all just a cover up of her self esteem thas really lower then some saggy jeans lovers

She let a Video tell her how she never will have sex appeal/If they swagg is not like theirs and they not flexxing heels

They claim they educatinhg but he just say opinonating when she should be moderatin/But she is convinced that beauty is defined by the amounts of alotta hating

This is something we gotta straighten because all of her views is twisted/But she refuse to listen her headline news just miss it

This is how you loose a gift when, hes out looking trynna find a pattern and a fabulous fabric/Dreams of calling the great michael angelo to see what he got in his cabnet

Like a abstract magnet,attracting his eye to this bait called designer/Glorius as the 15th chappel strong as the great wall of china

The finer finda of this kinda designer/Is something hes yet to see is a time blind reminder

Where it is to where its gone/or just a mere thought up top where hair is combed

search must he quit it to get it this fabric knitted to wearing cherish flown as paris long/Taking this house to a beatiful architec that will undoubtedly prepare as home

Just a King wish for this surpreme stitch/What he mean is he chose God as the seamstress

-Because all of these is a dream list for "wifey material"-

the world doesnt influence her but she influences every place at whole/She defines beauty from inner to outer and growing flower glowing like shes been traced and laced in gold

She down with her natural and yet is neva sweating if she pinnin her perm in/She proud of what she got even though her hair is not long as a stem on a general sherman

Its very short yet she love to keep it with a sinister curl in/Embracing the pride of her color cuz her skin aint bright like those women in berlin

Shes so fervant envy is never been a attribute but uplifting is her quality/her personality is contagious for all ages showing them beauty that they hardly see

Being someone else is the wrong thing to mistake her fo/she views it as a wasted glow/shes Not affraid to be different cuz thats what makes you irriplaceable

and thats something he thinking they should know, how she shows that beauty is not skinn deep/Shes everything he praying fo, she has the beauty that men seek

Not a cheap immitation ...this kind of beauty exceeds expectations
DAPoint is Dont waste who are and were made to be/one of a kind,why follow foosteps when u can pave the street? Get Da Point?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Satans Sermons

You supposedly christians are no threat to my kingdom, your
consistent like waves flowing through the ocean/

You attend your congregations faithfully but
basically your just going through the motions/

Choir sounds nice the power the tanner brings
the hand clapping and the tambourines/

Its like watching a uniformed army doing the same ol stand up church or more like stand marines/

Your religion is tradition,and youll forever be in the same condition/
praying and missing,yea the churches boat is
rocking but you never changed positions/

I laugh at your same petitions,and you making your request known/

Cuz you pray and dont confess wrong,thinking you
got a blessed home,but wonder why your life is always
driven in a depressed Zone/

I got ya daughters in church competing with who got
the best dress on/and sons lusting for those who got flesh shown

And the elders believing and telling the youth that holiniess is in a dresscode/

You thnk i care about your leaders,that you exault to sit
in the seat praising God and lifting his feet/
Because later on when he alone,in public chasing women and getting his peak/
Behind closed doors tipsy mixing his drink/its back to business
as usual me sifting as wheat/

Wait I see,How he dunno he messing wit the girl with the fake id,plus H.I.V fornacating on liquor and weed/
Getting disease,bringing it back home to his pregnant
wife and getting them quicker to meee!/

I got these form of Godliness christians buying tickets to hell
and the tickets is free/

This is tickling me,I love it when you come to worship God from afar like he is a stranger/
Always speaking in tounges but never speak-ing
to ya neighbor
/Im a wolf and Gods Sheep- is- in danger!/

keep letting the sun go down on your wrath
and sleep-ing in anger/
One of these days Ill yet.... see ya lata/I bet!...these are gata,and that suit
is Itailian,
Satans Kodack moment in this picture you looked saved
shoot you was styling/No fruit never piling,thats cute the devils
At you! cuz you a soon be on my desolote
devils island/
Along with hundreds of several thousands/
You hear the sermon on sunday but you pick
and choose commandments rules passed/
Fallen for the tricks I used to get you to ignore
the Breaking news flash/
Thinking you going to heaven on your saved grandmothers
used pass
/High Minded, self-righteous,better then others, attitudes
Not realizing your righteouness is as filthy used rags/
There is a confused Mass,thats in my plan
of destruction goin the way that seemeth right/

Assuming they clean and right, but oh so very far away from the redeemers light/Too concerned with the scene at night
/in the club high and they drunk/Like riots they crunk/till they feel wasted
like they bout to die on a slump
/I get em to try its fun/while they try and consume,getting high as baloons/They hunger for more they appetite thirst for sin
till they diets is doom/
Death! they lye in the room/
in that time yup I got mine ...beeep beep beep flatline
and they die in that tune/

I dont hear heaven rejoicing now
But i see hell is growing/And you don’t even know you doing whichcraft
but all you rebellious going/

Yea Dailly hell is enlarging..and seems like da christians cant wait to get here
cuz they coming in bargin/Im making them on earth my diciples I call
them my under sin sargents/

In church apethetic and lethargic,I paint like a artist
in the minds in worship I confuse the lesson/Setting up destroy targets in there minds that blind this
is satan and he approves this message!/

Ezra aka DaPoint

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bored Freestyling moment by DaPoint

I make my own way,I gotta different guide/Cant make the wrong play I cuz i try wat isnt tried
Yea I get critisized,like all my decisions lied/but all my visions ride,Cuz i got a different drive
Dont wonder where ill be im on a endless stride/Got greatness under me,i dismiss it when its pride
Cuz it just slows me down im glad that meanace died/Loosing can follow me but will neva get inside
I got a winning stride smooth movement peep my posture/Dont like the way i act,thats cool you cann keep ya oscars
Cuz Ima underdog nobody picking me/Drop me in hot water,and watch me make lipton tea
Dont run away from pressure cuz dat dont chicken me/Cuz i run with the best like scottie pippen feet
And when im feeling down My God is lifting me/I often go to prayer, because the trip iz free
Bringing all my luggage and all my baggage too/turning all my issues to cabbage stew to like the baddest flu
Im sticking to winning, My hearts the magic glue

All i Got is a Promise

All I got is fam and friends in which im do or die fo.
But I aint got that Lamb or benz wit the suacide doos

I aint got that big house,picket fence and a garage with 3 cars.
All I got is a promise that yo heart will neva see scars.

Neva get bruised and neva feel used
Every day I live and breathe its you i forever will choose

Winning is everything and with you on my team I neva will lose/
Put heaven in our Gps and together will cruise

Cant fly you out on the weekends to jamaica and greece/
But a promise of soothing thoughts and theraputic mornings of you awakin in peace

I promisre Neva a moment of heartbreak waiting for the aching to cease/
and if the water was to run dry Id be the one makin a lake in the streets

Yea the storms will come but a shelter is what im made to be
/Reliefs mentally,emotionally,physically,and spiritually for you im that from A to Z

Blessing my eyes with your beauty wish you cud feel what they can see/
The way I bless your heart is by learning how to appreciate the beat

Its got me dancing to its rhythem like I never wanna take a seat/
Id make sure I SAVED the last dance before we eva had to say DELETE

Never having to go looking for a missing peice I promise that we will stay complete/
Im yo future which means that im your strength before you say "Im weak"

Im your present rest, Now yo heart everyday can sleep/
In yo past I was a dream that ull never again have to pray to see

You know what i cant wait to be? the one that will show you what a team about/
You represent my winning trophy,so loosing thoughts will neva linger out/

I just wanna make sure all my actions define the happiness you dream about/
and that following yo heart is easy and you'll neva have to take the scenic route

Never need a map to find it,cuz you can see my love blinded/and If I miss a play I'll stop the tape just to rewind it
Your smile is my daily to do list But i promise that ill neva need to be reminded

Diamonds are forever and for forever I do believe your mine/
I wanna know you in such way that u believe I can read your mind

Your breathtaking but I can breathe in fine cuz im so at ease when you enter/
Warming my heart and when its cold your my summer breeze in the winter/

Wateva the fall brings,I promise my presense is there through all things/
Being the smile I call queen and what You loving to call King

That tall ring princess cut diamond looking all clean/
That you saw on a movie is far from my pockets by all means

You dying to shine nightely wine and dine rightly in the city
I cant afford that no forbes stacks,and Im far from a mtv pdiddy account

But the world for you I promise I do have the drive to get it
/My only prayer is one day i make a way to surprise you wit it

All I got is a promise for now to love you for life and im daily sending it to you
And thats foreva but even foreva is not long enuff if Im spending it with you.

DaPoint is all i got is a promise.

Vday He say she say-Love is...

thought Id write something real quick concerning love since everyone seems to be in the valentines day spirit..just something I wrote about what i see love is who love is my experience with it and how I see others vain love and misunderstanding of what real love is ..Love is more then a feeling you get in your chest more then a emotion or lyrics to a song more then is action it will cause you do something we all know that one man painted the perfect picture of love a living example of love a master teacher of what love is..THE only way to know true love is to know him love itself..jesus said it like this If you love me you would "keep my commandments" an action! God sending his son was a action .." he so loved the world that he GAVE! action . If somebody tells you they love you and never does ne thing for you ummm maybe you need to check that the door

they say love is blind
and often hidden to the eye
True enough I felt stevie but the
cross was my ribbon in the sky

I see love, that I think of,
who was really a living sacrafice
All that we will one day meet
up in a eternal afterlife

This love turned his feet in
a death driven direction
His steps giving affection, whaat did he say?
not a mumbling word was his selection

Only love could sit in this place, with all
kind of blood and spit in his face
Just to put You and Ezra in the lambs book
of life written in grace

I admit of disgrace was my first and middle
plus my last name
I traded like judas on love for cash gain, but love made
it all up into past blames

Forgiveness I ask shamed, thinking bout loves blood
and how it left such a mass stain
Caught me in my fastlane but waited just to show
how much this love is patient

In my sick conditions love loved this patient while
the world was dying he died thats why love loved the nation
But why love a nation? What is man ? But I guess
because we are all part of Loves creation

Is that why they say love is blind when
I repent and Jesus no longer sees nothing wrong
And way before I knew better I come to find and realize
how much this love suffers long

Even when I cussed and moaned, and lost my shining light
kinda like rusted chrome
Times I prayed amyss like a made a wish not believng
it would get thru like a busted phone

I guess I trusted wrong Thinking I was just alone and
this Love was just 2 much to own
Didnt understand that the love i needed was the love
that had touched the throne

In him is where I must belong ..cuz every other
love lasted for bout a second and gone
Cuz there were to many faults but this love
bears no record of wrong

Its yet Present and strong!
It died and rose in 3 days the tomb is empty
but doesnt mean the Evidence gone

And thats Evident holmes when its daily shown
when he puts his love and hope in dudes
Covering all faults and sins with his mercy,grace,and
great love by the multitudes

Realized real love was more then words more then
feelings when I was just a lost distraction
Love shows you better then It can tell you
and this why da cross was Action

What Greater Love? that he's made up of
and this what he decides to pour in his sheep
The Four L-o-v-e or agape cause he showed
us more in the greek

For all the hardcore in the street, there is a empty
nail pierced sore in his feet
For all the hell in the land, to feel his loving
touch he took the nail in the hand

For all those feeling like they tears about to drown
in mourn, from broken hearts thats been ripped down and torn
Full of dark clouds like whats found in storms, the Rock
Rocked a fitted nitted wit a crown of thorns

Thank God love looked beyond our faults and saw
a need and herd our cry louder then the sound of horns
Because it was too hard to walk in love when all
of the ground was torn

Thankful for the benefits of love along with
the all of the Paitence we aquired
Wisdom of love ..knowing that sexual passion is not
love thats only rooted in physical natures and desires

Desiring the materialistic is one of the most
common known wrong places
For finding love in Fashion a high dollar passion
for Cars with chrome braces

Nall that cant be and we cant see our perception
of love are off and our views is twisted
Even how we pick and choose at christmas we choose
to give but thats just when we choose a wishlist

I hear em singing about it but I gotta tell
that your R&b music missed it
Christ is the drive in our love and fact is
we cant move because the fuel is missing

But love is unselfish, sacrafical and for
others it seeks the best interest
Would rather forgive then judge and let
there hearts become a rest entrance

Tru enough some confess diffrent cuz they rather
seek justice then show compassion to other souls
But love is not racist but color blind and cant
fully blossom it self to others through color codes

the hands that this brother holds, stems from
the love of God that no other showed
No longer travel down vain rubber roads since
finding this treasure In him I treat his love as gold

The Job now is to let others know, How else
will they unless the believrs give it
This world would have never knew love
had not Jesus lived it

Another one By Ez Da Point