
''So many women can say they mothers but cant say that they wives"

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Attempted Muder

Understand Im not just another dude,If he killed the love in you
then I am your ressurection
If he Killed the drive in you, I'll revive it
and be your new direction

If he killed the trust you knew Ill be the one
to redefine the word trust
We both had been praying for a new heart and through faith
i believe that God has herd us

Merged us and built a bridge where
we both use to have incredibly huge walls
From bruised falls and exausted over used jaws,
from confused calls

To God, on nights you felt like
you were about to give up and lose all
Your Mind,your heart,your love and her fight
for loving foolishly she played fools ball

But if he killed your faith then ill be the
belief you need that i will suceed to treat you right
Since the first day I met you all i been thinking about
is heaven because thats what i want to treat you like

Have long conversations with your heart
like all of your needs are mine
I desire to get to know you in such a way
that you truly believe i can read your mind

I want to love you in such a way you feel as if
God himself literally has his arms outstretched holding you
Molding you,Purifying the gold in you,
Im not into controling you
I just want to love the soul in you

If he killed and stole from you Ill bring
new life and give to you
Live for you,tho yea I know Its rediculous for me
to think i cant make you forget what he did to you

And trying again may very well be a hard task
slash a hesitant evident hard mask thats scary I know
But The God that you been praying too sent me to
give your heart a different area code

Change the address of your love and be healing from above
where there use to be cancer there
I come with with only one purpose and
thats to be your answered prayer

In the same way God has answered mine leading me
then sending me to recieving you
I believe in you and see in you all that my destiny
desire and realize you cant kill what God has breathed into

No weapon formed against you shall prosper the pain
of ur past was purposed with the word in you
This is why youre still standing because your
past could only ''Attempt" to murder you

But only the plan of God would be able to prosper
all in his control and his timing
I look at you and i see how amazing God is
by turning coal to a diamond.

I thank God for blessing my eyes to be fortunate
enough to see what others cant and couldnt in you.
Not a day will go by when my heart shall ever
desire to love someone if I coundnt in you

for me Love is worthless without you defining
its desired purpose

LETS Build where He tried to Kill.

"Attempted Murder" By Ezra DaPoint

If God can give a man the gift of healing to heal the sick,ill,open blinded eyes and lame.I also Believe that God can give a man the necessary wisdom and knowledge he need to be healing to a sick,broken,bruised and bitter heart to a woman that just may be who God has chosen and destined for that particular man. Dont limit How God can use you and wants to use a man to be a gift of mentle and emotional healing to someone.


  1. I absolutely love this! You are a wonderful artist & Man!

  2. Brilliant Artist! Its so refreshing to read sincere expressions frm a Godly man.if this is in your heart now ....oh you will more than make your GoodThing smile!
